– online optician

Contact lens products and accessories

We stand with Ukraine Google (Android 12L) !

SwissLens products

In cooperation with SwissLens, we offer you the possibility to re-order your old contact lenses via this contact form.

On the page you will be asked to indicate your name in Latin letters, the clinic/optics or specialist in Ukraine where you received your contact lenses and your current contact lens delivery location.

If you also need contact lens care products, write it down in the comments.


9 + 8 =

Discount of


on our SwissLens products

with the following code


€ of donations sent

We support the Ukrainian people offers a 30% discount to Ukrainian SwissLens wearers who have left their country for France. will donate the equivalent amount to the Ukrainian Red Cross association which helps Ukrainians affected by the conflict to the extent that the security situation permits, providing first aid and psychosocial support. They distributed 30,000 food and hygiene parcels and helped evacuate people with disabilities.

Lens fitting control

Professional advice from an Optician

To renew your NightFlex orthokeratology lenses, we recommend that the fitting is checked by a specialist.